Brief History
The Centre for Environmental Law and Community Rights (CELCOR) Inc. is a not for profit, public interest law and advocacy Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with special focus on awareness raising, policy development, legal support and capacity building for communities affected by logging, mining, oil palm, extractive industries and marine development areas, to have their voices heard appropriately. The organization aims to provide legal advice and assistance to landowners, Community Based Organizations (CBOs), and NGOs involved in community based natural resource management, environmental policy research and development, environmental litigation, lobbying and capacity building of Lawyers and Campaigners.
The organization was established in February 2000 and is registered with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) of Papua New Guinea with registration number 5-1069. It is governed by a local Board of Directors and currently has 9 full time staff members. CELCOR has only one office which is based in Port Moresby currently.
To see all Papua New Guinea communities living in harmony with the environment and culture in a just, holistic and sustainable way.
To promote and defend environmental and customary rights in Papua New Guinea through law and advocacy, to ensure sustainable resource management for the benefit of the present and future generations.
- To advice for just and responsive/responsible environmental laws and policies
- To defend and secure community based property rights and customary resource owners as guaranteed under the constitution of Papua New Guinea
- To solve environmental problems and promote community based natural resource management through the use of law
- To support and promote public interest law movement in Papua New Guinea and the region
- To train and assist develop the capacity of public interest law minded lawyers
Core Values & Principles
- Belief in transparency, and a participatory and collaborative approach at all levels of interaction
- Commitment in striving for excellence in our work
- Being accountable and exercising professionalism at all times
- Belief in equality by demonstrating sensitivity and respect at all/ towards all facts
- Belief in fairness and justice in all works

Transparency International and CELCOR establish a MoU to collaborate to promote good environment and natural resource governance

Launching of the Land Grab Publication compiled in collaboration with Friends of the Earth Asia Pacific Regional Partner Member Groups: Publication Titled: The Laws of Land Grabs in the Asia Pacific Legislative Linkages to Land Grabbing activities in Papua New Guinea Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Palestine